An Overview of Bulk Sender Changes at Yahoo/Gmail

by Dustin Taylor and Jesse Thompson | on 12 JAN 2024 | in Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Announcements, Best Practices, Customer Solutions, Messaging | Permalink |  ShareIn a move to safeguard user inboxes, Gmail and Yahoo Mail announced a new set of requirements...

How to move from to Orlando Web Wizard Hosting

When you download and export in it will create an XML file for you to save to your computer. This format, which is called WordPress eXtended RSS or WXR and contains your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags. Once you’ve saved the...

Mail Server Monitoring – Practice good list policies

Please be sure to practice reasonable and accepted policies when sending emails in order to prevent being blacklisted, as it becomes subsequently harder to remove IPs from blacklists if they get listed multiple times. Blacklist Monitoring Website Monitoring...

Email Privacy Practices – Privacy considerations

If you are using any of the email list message tracking methods, it is good practice to inform your subscribers you are tracking this information. You can notify them on your website through your (organization’s) privacy policy statement. SEE BBBonline SAMPLE...